Almost done

Tomorrow is our last day of school. Hooray! The school staff and students have been counting the days left since the first of May. We’ve been working hard packing and cleaning the kitchen. The fridge and freezer are already empty and by the end of tomorrow a quick inventory.

Tomorrow’s lunch would a bag with a sandwich, carrots, applesauce, chips, and a juice. It’s a simple lunch with a little bit too clean. Pick a bag, grab a milk, and enjoy. Meanwhile the kids eat, we will finish cleaning the kitchen and putting away the rest of the supplies. By 2pm and with a quick inventory and orders for the fall all done, we will say our goodbyes. They will be tears for the ones who are retiring and for the kids who are graduating and moving away.

We will take our bags and turn the lights off. We will disappear for a while with a huge smile, knowing we’ve a wonderful school year.

And for the next three months, I will be enjoying my summer vacation…. recharging for the next round.


Daily Post: Disappear


I’ve been working at the school for years and I’ve seen a lot of tantrum- bad behaviors in some of our children. I don’t want to blame anyone, but then this kind of behavior comes from their homes. Some of the parents expect the school to take care of their kid problems. The school feed them, babysit them, and deal with their disrespect. For some parents taking care of their kids it’s our job.

This new generation of parents is afraid of discipline their own children. They don’t like to be judged as a parent and they preferred someone else doing it for them. Of course, they want us to deal with them. Some parents like to make excuses. I know we’ve some parents with two jobs and they are tired, but then we’re talking about their job as a parent. It’s frightening to think this is our future generation the ones who will be taking care of us.
Nowadays bad behaviors and tantrums are called a disorder. They pump their kids with medications and supposedly to calm them down they leave them alone. In our school they’ve a separate room only for them. They sit with a laptop, play with toys, or they take a nap.

I’m going to clarify something here, not all the parents are acting like this. I know some’s who are doing an amazing job as a parent. They work hard and their kids are wonderful children.

When I was growing up they didn’t call bad tantrum or bad behaviors a disorder. The parents would take care of the situation and not the teachers. I remember we will get grounded it for weeks with no TV, no playing outside with our friends, no desserts, and we were sent to bed early.

Now it’s my children turn to raise their own. They don’t believe in awarding bad behaviors and they don’t make excuses. If my grandchildren don’t behave, they would be grounded and they’ll going to lose their privileges. No tantrums are allowed.

To parents, I know it’s tough to discipline these days, especially when some of you had two jobs and be a single parent. However, it’s time to be responsible and show who’s the parent and who’s the child. Don’t give them more that they need and no award bad behavior. A six-year-old don’t need a cell phone as a birthday gift or expenses tennis shoes. Don’t relay in the schools to take care of the discipline of your child. Be tough when its need it and show love to your child. Talk to them and give them attention possibly that’s all what they need.

Daily Post: Tantrum


According to the calendar in a few days the spring season will be here. However, in North Dakota it looks the season will be delayed. Mother nature is playing a joke on us, again. It’s cloudy outside and we are expecting another inch of snow.

So, for now I will be patience for the spring to arrive and to see some colorful gardens.

outside my home
outside my home



Daily Post: Patience

waiting for spring?
waiting for spring?





My granddaughters just ask me what are we doing today? It’s a Saturday and usually we go to the mall, do groceries, and eat out. I look at them sitting in my comfortable chair with my legs up and told them, we are staying home.

After been cleaning all morning and doing laundry, I just want to watch a movie or maybe finished watching “This is Us” or “The Americans”. I can’t decide which one. My husband wants to watch “Longmire”. I like that one, too.

I look at their faces and it was priceless. Possibly they’re thinking I’m lazy and bored. At this point the idea of going out it’s not in my plans.

Suddenly, they came down in their pajamas. They also want to stay home and they didn’t want to say anything. They thought they will hurt my feelings.

What a wonderful Saturday sitting in my chair, with my legs up, and the remote control. I better pour a glass of wine for the finishing touch.

Daily Post: Suddenly


This past week we had a snow storm with almost ten inches of snow. My husband has been cleaning out the snow and we are already tired of this winter except for these two.

I personally am counting the days for the arrival of spring. I am eager to see my flowers bloom and be able to arrange my beautiful garden. Meanwhile these two continue playing in the snow, enjoying the last days of winter.

As my granddaughter says in a few months she will return to Phoenix, Arizona and there is no snow there. That’s why she takes advantage of every second to play outside in the snow. However, in my case I prefer to see the flowers, the sun, and to be sitting outside enjoying nature.

I wonder if that’s the reason why she wants us to move to the Prescott or Flagstaff area where she can enjoy a little snow.



















Daily Post: Wonder


Today, it’s my 35th Wedding Anniversary. My husband surprises me with flowers and my favorite dessert lemon cream pie. We have plans to go out for dinner, however been a typical day in North Dakota we have to cancel. We are getting hit with a severe snowstorm and we already have 6 inches of snow with more to come.

They’re announcing for tomorrow a two-hour delayed for the schools with a chance of cancelling. The snowstorm is going to last at least until tomorrow afternoon. We are expecting at least 8-10 inches if it stays snowing. My husband tries to clean our driveway a couple of times, but the wind and the snow its not helping at all.

In the meantime, I cook his favorite dinner, have a glass of wine, and enjoy my lemon cream pie as a dessert. It’s time to be on my couch, relax, and watch TV next to my husband.

Happy Anniversary to us and I hope we can celebrate it on the weekend.


Daily Post: Typical



I’ve finally returned from my trip. My father is finally in his resting place with my mother. I got to see my family and spend time with them. For all the siblings it was 21 years since where together in the same place.

At the time of the burial it began to rain and lasted exactly until his grave was closed. The most beautiful thing was that a beautiful and bright rainbow came out as if my parents sent us a message of love.

Here are some photos.


Daily Post: Restart


If you are depressed you are living in the past.

If you are anxious you are living in the future.

If you are at Peace you are living in the Present.

~Lao Tzu



If you are depressed, you are living in the past. – When I’m depressed it could be I’m not as cheerful with myself. Yes, I like to remember the past and if I’ve one chance I would change a few things. However, remembering the past brings joy to my life.

If you are anxious, you are living in the future. – Once a while I feel anxious, but living in the future not too sure.

If you are at Peace, you are living in the Present. – This is the path I intend to be. It’s difficult, but achievable. We are living in a society where you get judged easily. Trying to live a peaceful life it’s hard to get.

What should I do to keep myself at peace and living the present?

1- I love to read and when I do, it takes me to a different world.
2- When I’ve the time I like to write, especially short stories.
3- A few months ago, I begin buying coloring books for adults. Since then I’ve already bought over twenty. I love spending the time coloring. It makes me feel calm and peaceful. That means I’m living in the present.


Daily Prompt: Present