One-Liner Wednesday~ Ha! it’s October!


I have a friend who just put her Christmas tree. I love Christmas, however I think it’s too early. Then, by Dec 20th she’s complaining about the holiday season and she can’t wait to take it down on Dec 25th. I don’t know why it’s the reason of skipping Halloween and Thanksgiving they’re also, fun.



One- Liner Wednesday is hosted by Linda G. Hill.


Last day of September

It’s the last day of September and it’s chilly outside and my plants are getting brownish. In my neighborhood, there isn’t a lot of color changes in the trees, just yellowish leaf’s falling on the ground. We don’t have all the different kinds of trees that makes the fall season so colorful.

This morning I was reading on the internet 31 reasons why we love October. I don’t want to sound negative, but the Fall season isn’t one of my favorites. However, I want to give it a try and check which ones I do like. I won’t count in our family, we have around 35 birthdays in the month of October including my oldest son. And no matter the birthdays I don’t consider October one of my favorites.

I’m not bringing all 31 reasons from the article some of them sounds like a repeat.
Here is a few of them:
1- Trees began to change colors – I already mention we don’t have all the colorful trees. The leaves are just falling on the ground. You clean your yard and hours later you need to start all over again.
2- Fall décor- I love decorating with pumpkins and scarecrows. At this moment, I’ve one pumpkin on my porch. I’ll begin decorating very soon.
3- Sweaters- They are cute and soft; however, they make me sweaty and hot. (I know it’s the menopause)
4- Football season- I don’t watch football.
5- Pumpkin bars- I’ve a sweet tooth. I love them, however I’m not a great baker and I try to be far, far, away.
6- Hot cocoa- I make hot cocoa all the time. It’s one of my favorite drinks next to my coffee.
7- Apple cider- not my favorite.
8- Bonfires- We do the bonfires on the lake during the summer. We never do them in the fall, maybe it’s something I should think about it.
9- Pumpkin patch- I love visiting the pumpkin patch and walking in the corn maze.
10- Candy Corn- okay it’s one of my favorites
11- Candies- the article says we sees candies everywhere. I always see them no matter the season. I try to hide from them, too.
12- Scary movies- it’s true you can watch more scary movies during October, however you can watch them all the time it’s our perception to watch movies according to the season.
13- Read- they say we like to read more about this time of the year. I read all the time.
14- Blankets- they got me there. I love being covered in my favorite blanket.
15- Halloween- I love Halloween, the costumes, and the décor, however when it gets too cold and it’s already snowing the kids hide their costumes in their jackets.

I show I like a few things from October, however one thing it wasn’t on the list that I love. My favorite meal soups and chilly. Yum! Also, getting closer to my favorite season of all.

my garden looks sad


My daughter and I love scents candles. Every season or holiday I go to Bath & Works store at the Mall to get my favorite or the new scent of the season. On the other hand, my husband doesn’t like them.  For him candles are for emergencies only also he complains the scents are too strong. Perhaps he needs to calm down and enjoy the moment. He can complain all the time if he wanted I would not stop buy them. I went to the store last week and bought the pumpkin spice and a Halloween with the scent of cinnamon.  After I’m done with the housework it’s time for reading a new book I bought and enjoying the scent of my candle.  I already know which candles I’m getting for Christmas.

candlecandle2Daily Post: Candle




I’m passionate about many things like reading, cooking, and music, however I’ve days I don’t want to do nothing at all. Last week I’ve begun to plan for the baby shower and clean the house for the party and decorating for Halloween. All that passion and energy was a week ago. During the weekend I began to feel a little depressed, and when I’ve those feelings I get lazy, frustrated and feeling lonely.

Until I start to feel great again, I would take time to relax, read a little bit, play with the dogs, and watch some TV. Just now I turn on the computer to answer a few emails, read some bloggers, and write this prompt. I hope this week I would get better and be on track again. I need to make invitations, plan a few games, and buy a few things for the baby.

Tomorrow is a New Day and I will feel amazing again.



Happy Labor Day!

Happy Monday I’m taking a break from the computer heading to the lake for the last time. That’s right camping season would end with Labor Day. We’re bringing our camper back home and take it to the storage until next year. The weather for today feels good to be in the 80s. I can’t believe that summer is almost over.

My grandkids are already asking when I’m decorating for Halloween. Oh my lets enjoy the last few weeks of summer. I want to enjoy my garden and a little more of sunshine. Soon we all will be wearing coats, hats, and gloves. Burr.










Happy Labor Day! Enjoy your day shopping, relaxing at your homes, or like me at the lake.

See you soon!